We need a new kind of leadership for a more promising future. This learning journey grows leadership qualities and skills for people who want to develop a strong commitment to environmentally sustainable practices, in relationship with society, and the economy. In the face of the Polycrisis—a convergence of multiple global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, and social inequities—new leadership is essential. Eco-leadership involves innovative thinking, collaborative problem-solving, and a skill set to navigate and address these issues for a more resilient and sustainable future.
What is a leader?
This lesson will guide you through understanding what leadership is, and through reflection exercises, help you understand why YOU, the new leader, is needed.
The Need for New Leadership
We'll examine the characteristics of this evolving leadership model and its crucial role in creating a more just and sustainable future for our planet, and you are at the centre of this lesson.
Finding Purpose
In this session, you are invited to reflect on your purpose in this world and how, with an understanding of who you are and where you are headed, you can live a life of meaning.
By incorporating IKIGAI into green leadership, we can discover our unique intersection of purpose, competence, and ecological responsibility.
Green Leadership
In the garden of leadership, we'll delve into the soil of regenerative thinking, where leaders aren't just stewards; they're cultivators fostering growth, renewal, and sustainable abundance.
Networking Tool
Networking is all about developing positive relationships over time that lead to opportunities.
Lifestyle Shifts
In this session, we explore the profound impact that small, deliberate changes in our daily lives can have on our planet and its inhabitants.
Communication Tools
In this lesson, we'll explore various communication tools and strategies that can help you become a more confident and impactful communicator.
Creative & Critical Thinking
Get ready to unlock your problem-solving superpowers and discover how these amazing skills can empower you in all aspects of life!
This module seeks to support an ecopreneur in engaging in self-care, wellness and well-being practices, as well as linking our values, identity, self-worth to the work that we do, and finally, to build positive habits of reflection and introspection.
Introducing My Matters of Concern
Get ready to delve into the world of self-reflection and discover the seeds of your unique environmental leadership journey!
Mountain Leadership
This booklet is a really useful tool that uses the similarities of climbing a mountain and starting a business to help you better understand what steps you can take to take an idea and make it real.